The Two of Clubs Birth CardAce of Hearts

The Card of Conversation
Two of Clubs Birthdays – May 30th, June 28th, July 26th, August 24th, September 22nd, October 20th, November 18th and December 16th

Among the people of this card you will note a wide variety. Many are fearful of everything, especially being alone, and will do everything in their power to make sure they are surrounded by people who admire them. All are sociable and enjoy good stimulating conversations. Then there are those who are reclusive and appear to need no one. In truth, they are just as afraid and always have one special person that they attach themselves to. The Ace of Spades Karma Card can mean an inner fear of death or change and this explains much of their behavior. However, these people are well endowed with many natural abilities and gifts.

They can be exceptional in business and with people, preferring to work in partnership rather than alone. There is much protection surrounding this card and they all have much to be grateful for. If they simply recognize the abundance in their lives, they will help to dispel their underlying fear that can do so much damage.

Interpretations from the My Destiny Cards applet with permission from Robert L. Camp June 2015

Intimate Relationship ReportIntimate Relationship Report
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This report reveals information about you and your partner using an ancient and highly accurate system called The Book of Destiny. Make more powerful and happy choices in the areas of love and marriage. This report will explain many things about how you and your partner interact. There will be up to 10 relationship connections and interpretations about each connection. Your Spiritual Spread connections are from past lives and your Life Spread connections are from this current lifetime.