The Three of Spades Birth Card
The Artist Card
Three of Spades Birthdays – January 11th, February 9th, March 7th, April 5th, May 3rd and June 1st
The Three of Spades have the opportunity for success in their life if they are willing to work for it. They have a heavier load than most, indicated by their position in the Saturn line. But if they work hard, they will receive the Jupiterian blessings from their column position. The Six of Diamonds Karma Card tells us that there is a karmic debt to pay and often they are associated with Six of Diamonds persons. The Three in Spades means indecision about work or health and they should watch their health carefully and stick to sound medical practices and advice. The more they worry about their health, often the worse their condition gets so they have a responsibility to watch their thoughts and feelings as they relate to health matters.
Having the Queen of Spades with the Ten of Diamonds (underlying influence) in Jupiter gives them the opportunity for great business success through mastery of their values and business lives. However, with the Jack of Clubs in their Saturn position, they will always meet with some disappointment if they stray from honesty. Only the straight path will bring them the success they want.
Interpretations from the My Destiny Cards applet with permission from Robert L. Camp June 2015
Destiny Cards Yearly Report
Order your Destiny Cards Yearly Report today!
The Destiny Card Yearly Profile report covers an entire year from your current birthday to your next birthday. Learn about opportunities and challenges you could be facing during the year and the influences they bring as shown in the cards. This reports includes interpretation of your Birth Card and Planetary Ruling Card and will list any Auspicious Events for the current year. Find out what your long-range focus is for this year and then look at the influence of each 52 day period. These are great for personal use and make fun birthday gifts.