The Three of Hearts Birth CardAce of Hearts

The Indecision in Love Card
Three of Hearts Birthdays – November 30th and December 28th

The Three of Hearts is the first card in the Mundane Spread of cards and represents the departure of Man and Woman from the Garden of Eden. In search for what and who they love, they can often become confused and dissatisfied, even when they find the perfect love standing in front of them. Of the threes, all of whom demand the freedom to explore possibilities, the Three of Hearts can become the most confused and bewildered mentally and emotionally. Either they are very fickle in love or the one they love is fickle. They are quite psychic, hard workers and have success whenever they apply themselves.

They need a certain amount of change or travel in their vocation to be happy. They are very charming and attractive people and have no trouble attracting others to love. The challenge comes once they find someone. They are here to learn to make decisions about love and money and to learn the value of higher knowledge. Once they do, they find great fulfillment in giving love and truth.

Interpretations from the My Destiny Cards applet with permission from Robert L. Camp June 2015

Destiny Cards Life ReportDestiny Cards Life Report
Order your Destiny Cards Life Report today!

This report begins at your birth and expresses your chosen path during this lifetime. Moving through each of the 13-year cycles, you will be amazed to see from where you have come and what lies in the future. This report includes interpretations of your Birth Card, Planetary Ruling Card and Karma Cards. Each section brings you an amazing awareness and greater understanding of the choices and challenges you have set before you. This is wonderful tool for self-understanding.