The Six of Diamonds Birth CardAce of Hearts

The Card of Financial Responsibility
Six of Diamonds Birthdays – January 21st, February 19th, March 17th, April 15th, May 13th, June 11th, July 9th, August 7th, September 5th, October 3rd and November 1st

The number six implies responsibility and diamonds relates to finances. Six of Diamonds people are keenly aware of debts and their repayment. Like all sixes they receive exactly what they put out. They may fall into slumps as a result of their inertia so they need to remember to prod themselves into action. Once they get going, they can attain most anything they desire. There is protection in work and action.

On a deeper level, the Six of Diamonds is here to settle karmic debts from past lives. Finances can go from one extreme to the other in this process. If they accept what they inwardly know, they will always be happy whatever the circumstances in their life. If they have discovered their special mission in life, they will not worry about how much money they have. These people make great teachers. They are givers and can be entrusted with great responsibility. What they have to give is a clear knowledge of values and discrimination.

Interpretations from the My Destiny Cards applet with permission from Robert L. Camp June 2015

Intimate Relationship ReportIntimate Relationship Report
Order your Love Cards Intimate Relationship Report today!
This report reveals information about you and your partner using an ancient and highly accurate system called The Book of Destiny. Make more powerful and happy choices in the areas of love and marriage. This report will explain many things about how you and your partner interact. There will be up to 10 relationship connections and interpretations about each connection. Your Spiritual Spread connections are from past lives and your Life Spread connections are from this current lifetime.