The Seven of Clubs Birth Card
The Card of Spiritual Knowledge
Seven of Clubs Birthdays – March 29th, April 27th, May 25th, June 23rd, July 21st, August 19th, September 17th, October 15th, November 13th and December 11th
All sevens are highly spiritual cards but it is up to the individual to manifest this spirituality and to turn negativity into accomplishment. The Seven of Clubs challenge rests in the negative aspects of the mind which are worry, doubt and pessimism. They have much inherent inspiration and insight, but when they don’t follow it, Saturn’s influence brings much despair and sometimes depression. They have power to overcome their problems and to attain the fame and recognition they secretly desire, but they must apply themselves diligently. They are likely to have large sums of money at different times in their life, but often they spend it as fast as they get it.
All their difficulties in life can be traced directly to their thoughts. So the Seven of Clubs, more than any other card, has a great responsibility to maintain positive, healing thoughts. Any contact with spiritual thought or ideals is sure to have a positive effect on them and is highly recommended.
Interpretations from the My Destiny Cards applet with permission from Robert L. Camp June 2015
Intimate Relationship Report
Order your Love Cards Intimate Relationship Report today!
This report reveals information about you and your partner using an ancient and highly accurate system called The Book of Destiny. Make more powerful and happy choices in the areas of love and marriage. This report will explain many things about how you and your partner interact. There will be up to 10 relationship connections and interpretations about each connection. Your Spiritual Spread connections are from past lives and your Life Spread connections are from this current lifetime.