The Nine of Hearts Birth CardAce of Hearts

The Universal Love Card
Nine of Hearts Birthdays –August 30th, September 28th, October 26th, November 24th and December 22nd

This is a card of great fulfillment, great loss, or both. This card, and its karma card, the Seven of Diamonds, are both spiritual numbers and the fulfillment that comes is rarely personal until all personal desires are set aside and in their proper place. This is the double Saturn card – these people cannot deviate from what is true and “right” without swift, and sometimes bitter, rebuke. All nines have come to settle affairs and debts from the past, to pay what they owe and move on. For the Nine of Hearts, there will be some completions or endings of key relationships that mark their completion of certain “soul chapters”. If these endings are resisted, they will turn to disappointment and loss.

Their life path is full of spiritual lessons. Those that heed the call and adhere to higher values will have seemingly blessed lives, while those who give into their fears and escapist tendencies will suffer greatly. They are givers, endowed with great minds and hearts to share with the world.

Interpretations from the My Destiny Cards applet with permission from Robert L. Camp June 2015

Destiny Cards Yearly ReportDestiny Cards Yearly Report
Order your Destiny Cards Yearly Report today!
The Destiny Card Yearly Profile report covers an entire year from your current birthday to your next birthday. Learn about opportunities and challenges you could be facing during the year and the influences they bring as shown in the cards. This reports includes interpretation of your Birth Card and Planetary Ruling Card and will list any Auspicious Events for the current year. Find out what your long-range focus is for this year and then look at the influence of each 52 day period. These are great for personal use and make fun birthday gifts.