The Eight of Hearts Birth Card
The Emotional Power Card
Eight of Hearts Birthdays –August 31st, September 29th, October 27th, November 25th and December 23rd
The Eight of Hearts has “power in love” and all eights have to exercise discrimination and responsibility in its use. Both karma cards of the Eight of Hearts are sevens. This tells us that they will see almost immediate results when they misuse their power with others. With wisdom and spiritual awareness they can rise to great heights in sharing their love and healing power with others. Operating out of their fear, we find those who are the dominators of those they love and seek to manipulate others through guilt and withholding of affection and acknowledgment. These people have high ideals about love and relationships, sometimes these ideals are too high to ever be met.
They have great minds, make excellent teachers or they can excel in any occupation where a good mind will make a difference. They have to work hard for the money they make, but it can be made and they need not worry about it. With all the power at their command, there is little they cannot do, as long as it is not motivated by fear.
Interpretations from the My Destiny Cards applet with permission from Robert L. Camp June 2015
Destiny Cards Yearly Report
Order your Destiny Cards Yearly Report today!
The Destiny Card Yearly Profile report covers an entire year from your current birthday to your next birthday. Learn about opportunities and challenges you could be facing during the year and the influences they bring as shown in the cards. This reports includes interpretation of your Birth Card and Planetary Ruling Card and will list any Auspicious Events for the current year. Find out what your long-range focus is for this year and then look at the influence of each 52 day period. These are great for personal use and make fun birthday gifts.