The Eight of Clubs Birth CardAce of Hearts

The Card of Mental Power
Eight of Clubs Birthdays – March 28th, April 26th, May 24rd, June 22nd, July 20th, August 18th, September 16th, October 14th, November 12th and December 10th

The Eight of Clubs is one of the three, “fixed” cards. With their strong mental power, they are not easily swayed by others’ views and opinions. Many successful attorneys, chemical engineers and rocket scientists are Eight of Clubs, however their power can be applied to any of the mental fields with great success. Their life path is one of the most successful in the deck. They can have almost anything they set their mind to achieving and most attain wealth and prominence but they must make sure their life is kept in balance as mental peace is essential. They have much psychic power and can be great healers.

All of their gifts can be applied to attain great success and they only need to become aware of their true goals to have a life of success and accomplishment. However, being so fixed has its own drawbacks mainly that it is difficult for them to deal with changes. Working with a Jack of Hearts or King of Spades will bring far reaching success. For best results, they should let their work come before their personal lives and keep them separate.

Interpretations from the My Destiny Cards applet with permission from Robert L. Camp June 2015

Intimate Relationship ReportIntimate Relationship Report
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This report reveals information about you and your partner using an ancient and highly accurate system called The Book of Destiny. Make more powerful and happy choices in the areas of love and marriage. This report will explain many things about how you and your partner interact. There will be up to 10 relationship connections and interpretations about each connection. Your Spiritual Spread connections are from past lives and your Life Spread connections are from this current lifetime.