The Value of Numbers

value-of-numbersEach card has a face value represented by the number of the card. These numbers including the Ace, as one, up through the Jack, Queen and King represent influences upon you without regard to which suit it is.

This is why you will see similarities between the Aces,Twos, Threes all the way through the Kings regardless of their suit. By becoming familiar with the face value of the card, and some of the keywords, you can begin learning various traits that may show up in any position the card sits.

Just like anything in our third dimensional world, because we live in duality, you will find opposites.  There is black and white, dark and light, night and day, good and evil, positive and negative… I would rather think that we can portray the high side or the low side of a card, rather than it being a positive or negative trait.


ACES      Ones have positive energy in the start of a cycle. Ones contain ambition, activity and drive.

High Side of Card:
Desires, New Beginnings, New Ideas & Projects, Self-Discovery, Strong Passions, Natural Leader, Ambitious, Energetic, Motivated, Dynamic, Creative, Progressive, Powerful Will, Optimistic, Strong Convictions, Competitive, Independent, Strong Desires, Gregarious

Low Side of Card:
Demanding, Jealous, Loner, Overbearing, Egotistical, Too Proud, Tyrannical, Antagonistic, Lacks Restraint, Selfish, Weak, Unstable, Vacillating, Impatient

TWOS      Twos have balance, harmony, and cooperation. Twos involve partnership.

High Side of Card:
Creates Good Partnerships & Relationships, Unions, Balanced, Considerate, Gentle, Tactful, Receptive, Intuitive, Harmonious, Agreeable, Logical, Ambassador of Goodwill, Objective, Sociable, Cooperative, Sensitive

Low Side of Card:
Complainer, Whiner, Suspicious, Lack of Confidence, Codependent, Gets Discouraged Too Easily, Subservient, Timid, Oversensitive, Selfish, Deceitful, Easily Hurt, Too Subjective, Crafty, The Fear Card

THREES      Threes are curious, imaginative and restless. Threes are energetic and enthusiastic.

High Side of Card:
Creativity, Variety, Playful, Friendly, Happy, Humorous, Productive, Artistic, Freedom Loving, Has a Gift With Words, Versatile, Charming, Sensitive, Multi-Talented, Fun Loving, Expressive

Low Side of Card:
Indecisive, Self-Doubting, Worried, Scattered, Never Satisfied, Bores Easily, Feels Unprepared, Exaggerates, Jealous, Intolerant, Boastful, Extravagant, Lazy, Self-Indulgent, Hypocritical, Insecure

FOURS      Fours are stable, fortunate, serious and protective. Fours are dependable.

High Side of Card:
Stability, Foundation, Solid, Grounded, Practical, Honest, Determined, Hardworking, Loyal, Self-Disciplined, Steady, Orderly, Organized, Methodical, Skilled at Crafts, Dexterous, Patient, Pragmatic, Trusting, Exact

Low Side of Card:
Stubborn, Fixed, Uncommunicative, Rebellious, Unstable, Destructive, Emotionally Repressed, Rigid, Prone to Excesses, Unfeeling, Too Frugal, Bossy, Hides Affections, Resentful, Too Strict

FIVES      Fives are adventurous, free spirited, versatile, and progressive thinkers.

High Side of Card:
Change, Experiences, Travel, Moves, Variety, Strong Instincts, Freedom Loving, Daring, Adaptable, Enterprising, Progressive, Magnetic, Fond of Travel, Lucky, Quick, Witty, Curious, Mystical, Versatile, Enthusiastic, Sociable

Low Side of Card:
Trouble With Settling and Commitments, Unreliable, Impatient, Changeable, Inconsistent, Drifting, Irresponsible, Lustful, Easily bored, Too Outspoken, Overconfident, Restless, Impulsive, Headstrong

SIXES      Sixes are order, union, fairness and cooperation.

High Side of Card:
Balance, Karma, Peacemaker, Nurturing, Worldly, Responsible, Friendly, Home Loving, Caring, Compassionate, Dependable, Sympathetic, Idealistic, Creative, Universal, Comfort Loving, Humanitarian, Artistic, Harmonious

Low Side of Card:
Not Easily Swayed or Moved, Discontented, Overcritical, Anxious, Unreasonable, Stubborn, Outspoken, Domineering, Irresponsible, Inert, Selfish, Suspicious, Snobbish, Self-centered

SEVENS      Sevens are wisdom, spiritual, metaphysical and analytical.

High Side of Card:
Spiritual, Attachments, Wisdom, Thoughtful, Analytical, Fine Mind, Very Sensitive, Has Much Faith, Perfectionist, Original, Strong Intuition, Spontaneous, Meticulous, Idealistic, Trusting, Technical, Rational, Reflective

Low Side of Card:
Cold, Skeptical, Overcritical, Gets Lost in Detail, Over Rationalizes, Overly Sensitive, Withdraws, Uncommunicative, Cynical, Suspicious, Confused, Feels Misunderstood, Self-Absorbed

EIGHTS      Eights are special, powerful, successful, well organized and contain wealth.

High Side of Card:
Power, Success, Abundance, Movement, Determined, Practical, Natural Leader, Thorough, Hardworking, Authoritative, Protective, Powerful, Self-Confident, Capable, Good with Money, Has Executive or Organizational Abilities, Ambitious, Dependable, Is Good Judge of Values, Goal-Oriented, Realistic

Low Side of Card:
Impatient, Intolerant, Materialistic, Domineering, Miserly, Workaholic, Bullying, Plays Power Games, Controlling, Stubborn

NINES      Nines are an ending to a cycle. Nines are for letting go or the need for control.

High Side of Card:
Endings, Completions, Transformation, Graduation, Universal Person, Good Givers, Save the World, Generous, Compassionate, Idealistic, Objective, Kind, Intuitive, Sentimental, Spiritual, Tolerant, Humanitarian, Intelligent, Romantic, Philanthropic, Helpful, Good With People, Creative, Sympathetic, Selfless, Broad-Minded

Low Side of Card:
Co-dependent, Frustrated, Selfish, Too Detached, Disappointed, Miserly, Inferiority, Complex, Overly Sentimental, Nervous, Escapist

TENS      Tens are ambitious, successful, powerful and can be obsessive.

High Side of Card:
Success, Renewal, Accomplishment, Large Number or Groups, Powerful, Self-Confident, Strong Willpower, Ambitious, Progressive, Success-Oriented, Natural Leader, Creative, Has Executive Skills, Independent, Forceful, Excellent Mind, Original, Practical, Strong Convictions, Energetic, Competitive, Strong, Gregarious

Low Side of Card:
Obsessive, Demanding, Arrogant, Dominating, Egotistical, Doesn’t Use Opportunities, Dictatorial Streak, Too Proud, Selfish, Unstable, Impatient

JACKS      Jacks are sons, sweethearts, messengers, seekers, romantic, clever and fun.

High Side of Card:
Mastery, Creativity, Youthful, Initiation, Charming, Clever, Sociable, Creative, Dramatic, Natural Leader, Inspirational, Has Good People Skills, Enthusiastic, Strong Willpower, Charismatic, Noble, Playful, Responsible, Talented, Intuitive, Humanitarian, Confident, Inventive, Entertaining

Low Side of Card:
Tricky, Too proud, Immature, Overly Emotional, Has Superiority Complex, High Strung, Irresponsible, Selfish, Superficial, Aimless, Stubborn, Frivolous, Easily hurt

QUEENS      Queens are mothers, sisters, daughters and nurturers.

High Side of Card:
Mastery, Motherly, Service, Power, Authority, Nurturing, Sensitive, Natural Leader, Receptive, Intelligent, Confident, Intuitive, Has Good People Skills, Strong Willpower, Ambitious, Independent, Creative, Teacher, Dramatic, Inspired, Progressive, Has Executive or Organizational Skills, Original

Low Side of Card:
Selfish, Drama Queen, Uncooperative, Too Passive, Doesn’t Use Opportunities for Service, Overly Sensitive, Stubborn

KINGS      Kings are fathers, teachers, leaders, disciplinarians, and in positions of power.

High Side of Card:
Mastery, Authority, Leader, Power, Wisdom, Responsibility, Has Strong Will, Freedom Loving, Shows Initiative, Natural Leader, Clever, Has Organizational or Executive Abilities, Creative, Confident, Ambitious, Dramatic, Original, Independent

Low Side of Card:
Own Rules, Bossy, Stubborn, Doesn’t Use Opportunities for Service, Arrogant, Too Proud, Impatient, Impulsive, Indecisive, Unemotional, Rebellious

Destiny Cards Explained | The Value of Numbers